Brilliant Legal Strategists

I quit watching YouTube in January. I briefly returned when Trump coverage began, but quickly grew bored.

During the trial, I became annoyed. Then furious. Then enraged. Legal analysts are in high demand now and spend a lot of time exaggerating their importance. At this point, they might as well join the Trump defense since they, too, have put Cohen on trial. They have chosen to follow the architect (Blanche) who’s got a great winning strategy — when it comes to staging a play in the theater of absurdly.

Aha! That 90 second phone call! Crushed Cohen’s credibility! Reasonable doubt! Or was it two phone calls in the span of 90 minutes? Who cares? Then Blanche says to the jury who Blanche has already publicly insulted “We rest our case.” That’s it.

Wonder if he wonders whether the risk of representing Trump was worth it? Knowing he’ll never get paid? Is he anxious that, he too, like so many others, will join the ranks of the homeless?

As I said earlier, boredom led me to search topics other than Trump. I discovered I had developed a pattern. I followed that coverage with crime documentaries followed by tales of exorcists.— fascinating incidentally — and then just followed my film reminiscences.

My favorite film on the subject of evil is: The Devil’s Advocate, directed by Martin Scorsese with Al Pacino cast as the devil incarnate. Bet Pacino found the challenge irresistible. Who could better convey the essence of Devil other than Pacino? And Keanu Reeves is the ambitious defense attorney.

There is one brief scene showing a lavish gathering of the affluent — Satan’s entourage. And who is part of this entourage? Donald Trump. Guess the cameo appearance resonated with him. Great film.

Today, I finally settled on YouTube exorcisms. And this is what I found:

The Worst People

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